December 27, 2008

The Nail

Day 1 in Tahoe---We checked in, the house is awesome, and we just got back from the EMERGENCY ROOM!  No, I'm not kidding.  John sliced his leg open from a nail on the coffee table---5 inches long.  It took 29 sutures to repair his poor calf.  The entire ER staff said it was "very impressive."

Somehow I reacted perfectly and John is really proud of me so that makes me happy.  I remained calm, rushed him to the ER, took care of all the insurance stuff and photo documented the entire thing so that we can deal with the owners later.  My one mistake was accidentally calling Alicia, John's sister back in Pennsylvania--Sorry Alicia!!!

Here are some of the pics---I'll update with the worst ones later.  WARNING: MAY CAUSE QUEESY PEOPLE TO VOMIT.